Time to
create new


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“It is  is not what we are, rather, but what we are in the process of becoming” 

–Gilles Deleuze 

I have provided psychotherapy to individuals, couples, youth, and their families since 2015.

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New Possibilities?

Life’s journey often leads us through challenging phases, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and disoriented. In these moments, hope can seem distant, and moving forward or through this can seem impossible or overwhelming at best. However, problems often hide from us what we once knew to a greater degree: You have the skills, values, and abilities to pursue the life that seems possible. Is it too much to say –the life of your dreams?   

I’ve learned through those who have consulted with me that a significant component in making this possibility real lies in identifying what deeply resonates with you—your values, what truly matters, and learning the meaning it holds in your life. By illuminating your personal values, we gain a map to guide our journey and reposition you as the agent of change in the life you prefer.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, navigating your values and aspirations, creating a life that reflects who you are and what matters most.

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